Guargueros and Macerado de Damasco

Guarguero Review The Guarguero Dessert is a tribute to the sweetness of life and the authentic flavors that spring from the earth itself. With a base of local ingredients and a touch of creativity, this dessert is a sample of the culinary skill and passion that characterize this community. Guargüero Mass • 7 egg yolks • 2 cups of unprepared flour • 50 grams of unsalted margarine • 50 ml of pisco • 2 tablespoons of water • 1/8 teaspoon of salt (2 gr) • 2 teaspoons of baking powder • 1 liter of vegetable oil • Powdered sugar to taste For the Manjar blanco filling: • 1 can of condensed milk • 1 can of evaporated milk • 1 cinnamon stick • 3 cloves •1 Teaspoon vanilla extract Preparation • Close the flour together with the baking powder about three times and reserve in a bowl. • Place the egg yolks in the glass bowl and beat until creamy, add the margarine and beat for another couple of minutes until well blended. • Remove the mixer...